Kinderdijk (Netherlands) during Corona is a Once in a Lifetime!
Kinderdijk (Netherlands) during Corona is a Once in a Lifetime!

Sounds a little exaggerated but think about it. Every openair museum or national park is closed for tourist. And now it is open for people who are in Holland at this moment… Crazy! Adventure with @guchtere Before last week it took ages for us to have a proper adventure together and this week we have […]

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Photography: Shooting star, here you are, the first time you fly by๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ“ธ
Photography: Shooting star, here you are, the first time you fly by

After a failed Supermoon mission In Middelburg together with @dboontje, I noticed a post on Facebook. The post was mentioning that the week after our trip to Middelburg we had another event upcoming. It was the meteor shower called Lyrids. Once a year this meteor shower is visible for approx. 10 days at the starry […]

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