I got a comment from @careassaktart. Pretty good comment and he introduced his self-portrait competition he just started. He asked me if I would love to join his competition. I promised him that I would look into it, and here is my post finally to join his competition.

Self-Portrait Photography Contest - 3rd Week

His contest is at the moment in week #3. The weeks before didn’t have that many attendants so I hope some of my followers would join his contest because it is always nice to see the face behind the nicknames of everyone and there is nothing wrong with some competition. So I managed to find some energy somewhere and create this post with the picture I used before. But I was allowed to use it.

Be creative & make self-portraits not in that common way as the trendy “selfies” but in a high quality way partly describing yourself & your way of life. Every each of us has many different roles to play in life: worker, sportsman, soldier, writer, driver, lover, husband, father, wife, mother, artist, model, waitress, lawyer, dancer, actress, scientist, doctor, singer, musician, politician, manager, nurse, porn star, prostitute, gigolo, pimp… or some kind of an imaginary character – somebody who you would like to be… There is plenty of inspiration for the theme!

During my first challenge While creating a weird face for the Road to Steemfest series

I always try to create some selfies during my activites. Even if Im running alone I would try to create some material from myself. Bcause I’d love to look back through my pictures and videos every now and then and what is the fun of that if you’re missing yourself in your collection? But as people might remember I also created some movies for the RB400 challenge and now I’m not that healthy at the moment it is a great motivator to keep on going and stay positive.

During my surftrip to Iceland Roadtrip to the sun in Slovenia
During my surftrip to Iceland

The original idea from this selfie was actually discovering new possibilities from my old beloved D700 camera while scrolling through the menu of it. I found out about the multi exposure option. So started to explore this unknown functionallity. Found out you can select older images or images you just load on your memory card. So that is what I did while I shot a new portrait. So without Photoshop you can create some interesting pictures that do look Photoshopped but it is actually done in camera.

Steemfest with @soyrosa and @for91days Steemfest with @derangedvisions

The contest rules

  • Create a high quality shot of yourself, a self-portrait which presents you & your way of life or what you would like to be
  • Ad a short story / explanation / description to the photo.
  • Photos must be your original work as well as the text following!
  • Use a #self-portrait tag as one of your tags in the post.
  • Post a link to your entry in the comment below this post.
  • Upvote & resteem this post & follow me.
  • Write in English.

Not the hardest rules I assume to join this competition. I hope some of you will join me and show the faces behind the nicknames for @careassaktart.

The picture for the contest

@careassaktart thanks for creating this wonderful contest. Keep up the good work! ??
The picture is showing me with some imagination dreaming about being back on the water again, or live the adventure life.

Hopes and Dreams

Please Follow, Upvote and Resteem

If you like my content, don’t forget to upvote this post and follow me for more every day life stories! Also, I will be happy if you leave a comment to tell me your thoughts and resteem this post to share my work!




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